Juliana Mejía-Trujillo, Augusto Pérez-Gómez, Hein de Vries, Liesbeth Mercken, Evaluating effects of IBEM-U on decreasing alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking among university students in Colombia: Protocol for a randomized control trial, Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications,



Alcohol misuse is a serious problem among university students in Colombia as well as in other Latin American countries. Studies show consistently that this population presents the highest rates of alcohol use. Despite such a situation, there is a lack of preventive programs for university students in this region of the world. The purpose of this paper is to present the protocol to evaluate a preventive strategy called IBEM-U, based on Motivational Interviewing and the I-Change Model.


University students



Heavy episodic drinking


Link de descarga: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conctc.2023.101075