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Salas-Wright, C., Maldonado, M., Pérez-Gómez, A., Mejía-Trujillo, J., & Schwartz, S. (2022). The Venezuelan Diaspora: Migration-Related Experiences And Mental Health. Current Opinion In Psychology.

Abstract since 2015, the venezuelan diaspora has poured forth from the venezuelan sending context into an array of (mostly) middle-income receiving countries and into the united states (us) as well. for many venezuelan migrants, post-migration receptio...

Scaramutti, C. Et Al. (2023). Service Needs, Context Of Reception, And Perceived Discrimination Of Venezuelan Immigrants In The United States And Colombia. Journal On Migration And Human Security, 1-17

Abstract: millions of venezuelans have fled their country in hopes for a better future outside the political and financial turmoil in their home country. this paper examines the self-reported needs of venezuelans in the united states and colombia. spec...

Scoppetta-Dg, O., Mejía-Trujillo, J. & Pérez-Gómez, A. (Editores) (2023). Mental Health And Addictions In Latin America. Cds Press, Woodbridge, Canada.

Link: ...

Villamil-Sánchez, A.,Scoppetta-D-G, O. & Pérez-Gómez, A. (2022). Cigarrillos Electrónicos Y Vapeadores: Una Amenaza Para Los Jóvenes. Razón Pública Y El Tiempo, Septiembre.

A pesar de sus riegos de salud, los vapeadores y los cigarrillos electrónicos se están poniendo de moda entre los jóvenes. el congreso no ha podido regular estos productos. link:

Carlos Arturo Cassiani-Miranda, Leonardo Fernandes Martins, Telmo Mota Ronzani, Orlando Scoppetta, Yinneth Andrea Arismendy-López, Andrés Felipe Tirado-Otálvaro, Dimensionality And Measurement Invariance Of The 5-Item Coronavirus Fear Scale In Brazilian General Population

Abstract introduction the covid-19 fear scale (fcv-19s) is the most widely used instrument to assess fear of coronaviruses. although preliminary analyses of the brazilian–portuguese version showed promising data for the 7-item version, several...

Pérez Gómez, A.p. Sánchez, A.v., Scoppeta-Dg, O., Mejíatrujillo, J. (2023). How Much Does It Cost To The Family For One Of Its Members To Be A Drug And Alcohol User. Journal Of Concurrent Disorders.

Abstract.: little research has been carried out assessing the impact on families when one member abuses psychoactive substances, nor the indirect costs of associated problems such as theft, property damage, academic failure, debt, or legal trouble. thi...