Artículos científicos
Aquí encontrará la producción científica de la Corporación, producto de investigaciones y revisiones, publicada en una variedad de revistas, principalmente internacionales.
Juliana Mejía-Trujillo, Augusto Pérez-Gómez, Hein De Vries, Liesbeth Mercken, Evaluating Effects Of Ibem-U On Decreasing Alcohol Consumption And Heavy Episodic Drinking Among University Students In Colombia: Protocol For A Randomized Control Trial, Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications,
alcohol misuse is a serious problem among university students in colombia as well as in other latin american countries. studies show consistently that this population presents the highest rates of alcohol use. despite such a situ...
Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Mildred M. Maldonado-Molina, Augusto Pérez-Gómez, Juliana Mejía Trujillo, Seth J. Schwartz,The Venezuelan Diaspora: Migration-Related Experiences And Mental Health,Current Opinion In Psychology,Volume 47,2022,
since 2015, the venezuelan diaspora has poured forth from the venezuelan sending context into an array of (mostly) middle-income receiving countries and into the united states (us) as well. for many venezuelan migrants, post-migration receptio...
Kokole, D., Jané-Llopis, E., Natera, G., Medina, P., Mejía-Trujillo, Mercken, L., Schmidt, C., López-Pelayo, H., Matrai, S., Braddick, F., Gual, A., Rehm, J., Anderson, P., & De Vries, H. (2022). Training Primary Health Care Proiders In Colombia, Mexico And Peru To Increase Alcohol Screening
initial results from the scala study demonstrated that training primary health care providers is an effective implementation strategy to increase alcohol screening in colombia, mexico and peru, but did not show evidence of superi...
Manthey J, Carr S, Anderson P, Bautista N, Braddick F, O’donnell Ao, Jané-Llopis E, López-Pelayo H, Medina P, Mejía-Trujillo J, Pérez-Gómez A, Piazza M, Rehm J, Solovei A, Rey Gn, De Vries H, Schulte D. (2022). Reduced Alcohol Consumption During The Covid-19 Pandemic
during the covid-19 pandemic, an increase of heavy alcohol use has been reported in several high-income countries. we examined changes in alcohol use during the pandemic among primary health care (phc) patients in two middle income countries...
Pérez-Gómez, A., Villamil-Sánchez, A. Mejía-Trujillo, J. & Scoppetta-D-G, O. (Editores) (2022). Tercer Estudio De Consumo De Alcohol En Menores 2021. Corporación Nuevos Rumbos
el tercer estudio sobre consumo de alcohol en menores estaba planeado para 2020,
cinco años después del segundo, pero la pandemia de covid-19 llevó al cierre de las entidades
educativas en la m...
Solovei, A., Jané‑Llopis, E., Mercken, L., Bustamante, I., Kokole, D., Mejía‑Trujillo, J., Medina, P., Anderson, P. & De Vries, H. (2022). Effect Of Community Support On The Implementation Of Primary Health Care‑Based Measurement Of Alcohol Consumption
alcohol measurement delivered by health care providers in primary health care settings is an efficacious and cost-effective intervention to reduce alcohol consumption among patients. however, this intervention is not yet routinely implemented ...