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Pérez-Gómez, A., Mejía-Trujillo, J., Brown, E. & Eisenberg, N. (2016). Adaptation And Implementation Of A Science-Based Prevention Program In Colombia: Challenges And Achievements. Journal Of Community Psychology, 44 (4), 538-545. Doi: 10.1002/Jcop.21781

Abstract during the last 2 years, the colombian government and the nuevos rumbos corporation have been implementing an adapted version of the communities that care (ctc) prevention system, called comunidades que se cuidan (cqc) in spanish, fo...

Pérez-Gómez, A., Mejía-Trujillo, J. & Mejía-Lynch, A. (2016). How Useful Are Randomized Controlled Trials In A Rapidly Changing World? Global Mental Health

The term evidence-based to label mental health interventions is increasingly common. fast developments in mental health and social sciences have prompted policy makers to fund and implement only those interventions that have been evaluated throu...

Pérez-Gómez, A., Mejía-Trujillo, J. & Mejía-Lynch, A. (2016). How Useful Are Randomized Controlled Trials In A Rapidly Changing World? Global Mental Health, 3, E6, Page 1 Of 4. Doi:10.1017/Gmh.2015.29. 

Se trata de un pequeño artículo que critica la rigidez en la manera de evaluar las intervenciones preventivas, en la medida en que solo son valiosos los diseños experimentales y con distribución al azar, que desconocen los camb...

Pérez-Gómez, A., Mejía-Trujillo, J., Brown, E. & Eisenberg, N.  (2016).  Adaptation And Implementation  Of A Science-Based Prevention  Program  In Colombia: Challenges And Achievements. Journal Of Community Psychology, 44 (4), 527-535. 

During the last 2 years, the colombian government and the nuevos rumbos corporation have been implementing an adapted version of the communities that care (ctc) prevention system, called comunidades que se cuidan (cqc) in spanish, for use in col...

Pinto, C. (2016). Manual De Intervención Breve Basada En Entrevista Motivacional Ibem. Bogotá: Corporación Nuevos Rumbos (31 Páginas). Archivo Pdf

Perez-trujillo, m., reyes-rodríguez, m.f., cabrera, l ., & pérez-gómez, a. (2016). changing the beat: fostering the prevention of alcohol related violence in nighttime leisure zones. international criminal justice review. abstr...

Pérez-Gómez, A., Mejía-Trujillo, J. (2015). Implementaçâo De Um Sistema Preventivo Baseado Em Evidências: Perspectivas Para A America Latina. In S. Giardini, C. Leandro-França, K. Brito Dos Santos & L. Polejack, Eds., Prevençâo E Promoçâo Em Saúde Mental. Brasilia, Brazil: Synopsis, P. 713-732. (En

Sinopse o investimento em recursos didáticos que encorajem o ensino e a pesquisa em medidas de prevenção e de promoção da saúde mental é altamente recomendado. com essa perspectiva, prevençã...